Ten reasons why you need video

Here are ten reasons why adding video to your website makes great business sense, especially if they are animated videos.

  1. Quickly Deliver Your Message – People consume information FASTER when they see and hear it, rather than having to read it.
  1. Improve Your Website’s Traffic – Google and other Search Engines love finding videos on your website, and their algorithm will bump up your ranking in their search results because of it. An improved search ranking means more visitors, and more conversions.
  1. Prospects Can Get to Know You – By including pictures or video clips of your team members you are helping your web visitors to “know, like and even trust” your company. These prospects can get to know your products, too, through video demos.
  2. Explaining Complex Ideas – Animated videos can take a difficult, complex story and turn it into a simple explanation that sparks interest and drives sales.
  1. Competitive Advantage – Stand out from others who operate in your category by showcasing videos on your website.
  2. Cost Efficiency – Animated videos are surprisingly affordable, often a quarter of the cost of typical live action videos.
  1. Animated Videos Boost Conversions – Studies have shown that using videos on landing pages can increase conversions from 15% to even 85%.
  2. Improve First Page Search Results – Including video on your website puts you 53% more likely to be on the first page of search results and can increase organic traffic as much as 250%.
  3. Animation Delivers Engagement – Animated videos beat other types of videos when it comes to engaging audiences and watchability. Customers retain 10% of what they hear but 50% of what they see.
  4. Video Sharing – Videos are simple to share with others. Expand the reach of your message by allowing your website visitors to send the video to others. You can also include the link to the video in your email signature.
About us
Picture of a person holding a camera filming a production

Our commitment to each client is to ensure that they can communicate their Brand Story and Brand Value proposition effectively to their clients and prospects through our video storytelling. 

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